Data Privacy
We value your privacy. Your data is not shared with any 3rd parties for any purpose, including financial gain.
Transform Your Finances With
Our Revolutionary Features
Stick to your budget with our category budgeting
Never miss a due date with our bill reminder
Manage all types of accounts, including cash account, with our account management
Keep track of your expense in one place with our expense tracker.
Never miss a payment again with our automatic transaction syncing
Split bills with friends and keep track of who owes what with our bill splitting
Protect Your Finances with our
Advanced Security Measures
We value your privacy. Your data is not shared with any 3rd parties for any purpose, including financial gain.
We only read transaction-related messages for automatic syncing and do not access any other messages.
For added security, we provide a pin lock feature for the app, ensuring that only you have access to your financial information.